In this discussion with Joe French, we explore what Joe did to recover from post traumatic stress and mental health issues. In my mind, the simple activities he describes, which can be practiced in many different forms, are a big missing piece of many athlete’s training programs and also of mental health therapy.
We cover why the ‘barefoot’ part of barefoot running is only half the picture, cold water, the two disasters he suffered on Everest which killed many of his colleagues, the ethics of film making and social media and epics while new routing on Ben Nevis.
Joe’s excellent book Out of Mind is available in the shop here.
I did an interview with Steven for The Nugget climbing podcast here. We had a long discussion of many climbing related topics including fingerboarding and training in general, nutrition and use of keto, carnivore and other diets, navigating research in general, my own climbing progression and key things I did to advance it as well as various other things. Steven is releasing it in two parts so do check back for the second part in a week.
Vlog #9 In depth interviews are not so common in the climbing media these days. I know I have many burning questions I'd love to ask the best and most knowledgeable climbers out there. So here is the first of what will hopefully be a series of interviews with really interesting climbers: Neil Gresham.